The Instrumentation and Measurement laboratory in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Department has the objective to familiarize the student with the operation of basic laboratory instrumentation such as Energy meter, multimeter, frequency counter, voltmeter, Ammeter and also with personal computers and circuit simulators such as Pspice and Workbench etc. Another goal is to re-enforce theoretical knowledge with practice and vice-versa, and also to learn correct laboratory procedures and techniques. This is accomplished by building, testing, and taking measurements on simple circuits. In the execution of the experiment, highest benefit is gained by students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) if they can distinguish between performing the experiment by following step-by-step instructions, and actually understanding the reasons and the methodology behind the various parts. To understand the experiments student must understand the theory of the circuits under test, and the instruments used to test them.
In the lab a student performs the experiments, where he/she obtains "hands on" experience on how to correctly connect circuits, and use the various laboratory equipment.